"Safe to cross!"
My little knight ran across the street. His armor was awkward over his winter coat, and carrying a shield, sword, and jack-o-lantern candy bucket might have been too much for the five-year-old.
Car lights appeared down the street just as he tripped. Candy flew out of his basket and scattered all over. The sword skidded under a car parked on the other side of the road.
He cried. I ran to him. A sibling helped gather up the candy. And we scurried off the street before the car came.
"Let's go to the next house."
He cried louder. "It hurts!"
Well, that's not good. No one wants an ER visit on Halloween. I quickly prayed for his injury while doing an inspection. No blood. No swelling.
"You're okay. I'll carry your shield."
He still cried as his siblings walked on. "My hand!"
"I think you landed on it weird because you couldn't catch yourself," I told him.
He sniffed. The cold air wasn't helping our situation.
"Do you want a glove?"
I put the red mitten near his hand. It wasn't a glove, but hopefully, he wouldn't complain about it. "You know, God gave us healing bodies."
With a maneuver of his thumb, the mitten went on.
"Yes, God designed our bodies to fight off some sicknesses and close up small owies. Sometimes we need a doctor to help, but I don't think you will today."
"God gave us healing bodies."
"He did."
Knowing God is in charge of healing was better than any fix-the-boo-boo kiss. He could grow into that truth to rely on God.