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We had a very nice spring-like day this week. The temperature was in the low 60s which was a great feeling compared to last week’s freezing temperatures in the negatives with wind chills making it feel colder.

At nap time, I decided to check out the weather for myself by checking the mailbox for any new letters or magazines. I wanted the kids to be able to go outside for a walk after their naps, and I was grateful that the weather lived up to its promise.

I heard birds chirping when I stepped out the front door. Chirp, chirp from one tree. And a tweet, tweet from somewhere across the street. I couldn’t see them, but they sounded pleasant.

Wow, some birds made it through the snow and freezing temperatures. They were outside that whole time, and God took care of them. You know, I bet they’ve never heard of Covid. They don’t even know what’s going on. They don’t even care.

They’re probably grateful to be alive right now. And they don’t even live that long. What’s the lifespan of a common wild bird living in Missouri? A few years? And they have to hunt for food. What a challenge!

However, those little birdies also get beautiful colorful feathers. The outside of their little bodies is beautiful and soft without clothing. And best of all, they get to fly. They can flap their wings, glide on the wind, and dive toward the ground without fear of falling.

Although we can’t be ignorant of the things happening in our culture, we can get rid of our fear by trusting in God. We can lean on God in the unknown of nature, the unknown of the future, the unknown in sickness, the unknown of the unknown...

We can be like the bird who happily tweets because the storm has passed.

We can be like the bird who wears her beauty with joy.

We can be like the bird who flies without fear.

Luke 12:24-26 “Think about the ravens. They don’t plant or gather crops. They don’t have any barns at all. But God feeds them. You are worth much more than birds! Can you add even one hour to your life by worrying? You can’t do that very little thing. So why worry about the rest?”

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