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Masking The Light

Updated: Sep 21, 2020


My two oldest kids started school this week. We sharpened 25 #2 pencils for each of them and packed fresh crayons in supply boxes. My husband made sure all their new apps were downloaded with correct login information, so they will be prepared when they use their iPads at school or if the school closes for a coronavirus outbreak. I truly didn’t believe it back in March when the teachers said they might not be returning immediately after spring break, but here we are being out of school buildings for 6 months.

We took back to school pictures on our deck between wind gusts and raindrops. They smiled together, apart, with backpacks together, with backpacks apart, and with masks covering the bottom half of their little faces. My kids were both excited to see their friends again and start learning new things! They didn't seem to care at all about the coronavirus or wearing masks to attend school in person. We’ve been talking about the pandemic for half a year now. I do not fear for their physical health safety at school, but I know emotionally and mentally my kids need a new environment and face to face relationships with their friends.

My kids run around like crazy finding a mask so they can go out in public. Here’s one with a cute pattern, one that fits well, and a different one that covers up your neck as well. I carefully adjust the mask on my daughter’s face so her nose is covered, the straps on her ears aren’t pulling, and the bottom part is tight (but not too tight) under her chin. I work so hard at hiding her smile. When she talks with her friends, her words are muted and a lot of her non-verbal communication can’t be seen. Soon covering faces seems normal and acceptable. But...when she gets home and runs up our driveway, the mask comes off. What a relief! She can breathe freely, speak clearly, and show off her bright smile.

As they cross the street to wait for the school bus, two other little girls are there, all wearing backpacks and masks. With their bright smiles hidden, I think of Jesus teaching people to be the light in the world. He told them that they shouldn’t hide their light, but they should let it shine. (Cue music: This Little Light of Mine.)

What stops you from living like a Christ follower? Is it something cute and comfortable that prevents you from intentionally being kind or hospitable? Do you work extra hard to make sure part of your Christian life is hidden or separated from your work life or family life?

Jesus is our light! He sent the Holy Spirit to live inside of us when we become believers in Christ. Our goal as Christians is to share this light as an encouragement to others and an example of goodness to the world. Don’t hide your love for God as if a mask is always on your face. We want our neighbors to be full of hope like we are. What a blessing it will be in heaven to see those who you impacted on earth!

We have the brightness of the Holy Spirit in us, and it should shine for all to see


a lamp hidden under a bowl,

or a city hidden in a valley,

or a face hidden in a mask.

So, if you see strangers, friends, or children wearing masks, I pray it doesn’t make you nervous about sickness or angry about our government. I hope it reminds you not to hide God's goodness in you, but rather share his love with others as much as you can.

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”

Matthew 5:14 ESV

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