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Pure Adultery


Perfect beauty...walking in white...with steps in rhythm to the soft piano tune. Her hair is fancy and flowing with a few sparkles shining slightly less than her face. His eyes start to wet as she nears him. The love and connection between them magnifies as the whole room feels a tingle of pure joy. It’s time to announce their let everyone know that even when these sweet emotions shift, the commitment to belong together stays strong. And so begin the wedding vows.

As I watched from the crowd, I understood the depth and importance of these words said in front of God and their friends and family. It’s their future and everything they hope to be in their relationship. Everyone there is rooting for their marriage to be great. We even applaud as they exit the ceremony.

Attending this wedding over the weekend reminds me of my relationship with my husband, and our promises to each other 12 years ago. Our anniversary was also this weekend, so there was a lot of reflecting on my mind. My favorite part from my own wedding vows is when we promised “to love and support each other and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion.”

All of those qualities help us get through the good and the bad...especially the humor!

Of course, we aren’t perfect, so sometimes I’m not kind, and sometimes he’s not understanding. Does that mean our marriage is ruined? No, we leave room for grace and forgiveness.

But what’s it like being married to someone who is perfect?

When God chose to marry the Israelite nation, He first made the promise to Abraham by saying He would bless him if he obeyed God (Genesis 12). Then God let Abraham’s family become the Israelite nation over many years. Finally, God gave the law to Moses at Mount Sinai, and all the people agreed to obey God’s word (Exodus 24, Ezekiel 16).

All is well. God picked who he wanted to marry, and they chose Him back. The bride and groom want a good marriage, and God knows exactly how to make that work out for the best. Simple... Ha! About one month into their commitment, the Israelites break the #1 promise that God had. They made a golden calf idol. They refused to put God first in their lives and started to worship a figure that could do nothing for them (Exodus 32).

What? Are you kidding me, Israel? God claimed you and saved you, then this happens?

It’s adultery. Her flowing white wedding dress is dipped in mud and ripped apart at each seam. It’s put back on the bride in the middle of town for all to see that filthy and torn decision. You promised to be with one, but you ran off to another. God’s original beautiful marriage plan was spotted with sin. Thankfully, God leaves room for grace and forgiveness.

God is love. He created these people and chose to love them. They deserved a divorce right then and there. They deserved worse, but God gave them grace. He continually brought Israel back to Himself, and eventually gave them (and us) a perfect son in Christ Jesus. He's the one who makes the dress perfectly clean.

Marriage is designed to be a relationship of caring and serving each other. It’s a commitment such as those found in my own wedding vows. We will be kind by choosing our words and actions carefully. We will be understanding by putting ourselves in their shoes. We will speak the truth and be honest. We will use humor as a God-given attribute to enjoy each other’s company. We will be passionate and give our all in everything we do for the Lord and for our spouse.

We will love. We will love God first, then each other.

Isaiah 54:5

“For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called.”

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