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Unpredicted Goal


We’re watching the New Year's countdown from Times Square but missing the giant ball that's usually dropped. There’s a screen flashing the ever decreasing numbers at us without the excited crowd in the streets of the large city.


Honestly, it's even more disappointing because we’re watching the recorded version from New York, which is an hour ahead of us. Half of my kids fell asleep a couple hours ago, and the other two are tired but committed to seeing the first minutes of the next year.


I’m at my parents’ house with my family, and I'm in my jammies all ready for bed. We're low-key and relaxed as we bring in the new year. We didn't buy fun glasses, yummy drinks, confetti, or silly string. We’re cautiously optimistic for a new beginning.

1...Happy New Year!

Now it’s 2021, and we can officially say “Hindsight is 2020.” I stole that phrase from a meme or two. I like a good play on words though, so I’m joining in on sharing it with everyone...heehee!

Looking back at the past year, I could not have predicted what events would occur. I didn't know schools would close. I didn't know that I'd have to shut down my business for months. I didn't know our church sermons, worship, and small group meetings would be virtual.

I didn't know that I'd find heaven moments watching my life under God's control.

God knew all that. He didn't get surprised. He doesn't need hindsight for a perfect 2020 view of our lives. We might. The disciples needed it several times. They even admitted to not understanding a lot of Jesus' teachings until after the resurrection.

The meanings of Jesus' parables were hidden from the disciples in public, and they had to ask Jesus to fully explain it later when the small group met together. Jesus continually taught that he had to die and would be raised to life again, but they couldn't comprehend it until it happened.

The disciples knew a few things though. They knew Jesus was a good teacher and they should follow Him. They knew He could heal and forgive. They knew Jesus was the promised messiah who came to save them. They knew things from what they read in the scriptures and what they witnessed in their few years with Jesus. However, they couldn't know the exact events, times, or details of every situation before it happened.

I don’t know what surprises 2021 has for us globally or for me personally, but I know that 2020 taught me about how to plan for 2021.

I will not be setting a true new year’s resolution because I plan on praying every day, week, and month so I can listen for God’s guidance as the year unfolds. I will be prepared for the calm and the chaos. I will be ready for back-up plans, failures, and the unknowns. I will trust God's sovereignty to work everything together for good.

If 2021 brings harm, less freedom, famine, or war, then I will go through it all with God at my side. If 2021 brings lies, confusion, or unjustice, then I will go through it with Jesus who forgives. If 2021 brings persecution, teasing, offenders, or hate, then I will go through it with the Holy Spirit's guidance.

No matter what happens, I will love God, serve others, share my faith unashamedly, and give God all the glory. The disciples, living over 2000 years ago in a different culture did this, and I also can do this even considering how unexpected the world will become.

Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand."

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